I had the pleasure and honour of shooting one of NZ’s finest. A highly acclaimed writer, director, actor, and now fashion model, from his humble beginnings having arguments over who left the $2 on the pool table to maybe directing Thor movies in Hollywoo (a horse stole the D), Taika Waititi is mercurial to say the least. Patient, energetic, courteous, polite, he’s one of my favourite subjects that I’ve ever shot and worked with and since this is NZ there’s zero ego or bullshit when a major deal in the film-making world walks through the door onto your set and shakes your hand. I really liked Eagle Vs. Shark btw, that one flew under the radar despite it being brilliant in a Napoleon Dynamite, misfit kinda way, and if you’re not counting horses on bus trips you ain’t living.
That’s an inside joke/reference, it wasn’t some random copy/paste from a different post.
This shoot was styled by the mighty fine dudes at NZ Suit Source. Mike and the crew are god-sends on shoots like this. They have an inexhaustible supply of suits and paraphernalia, props like pipes and vintage boxing gloves, parachutes, spectacle frames, sweet leather chairs with just the right amount of patina. Plus they know how to make people look good which makes them very helpful people to know. I’ve worked with them a couple of times and am in there again shooting Shihad. Mike (the owner) is one of those people who is always willing to help, and throws ideas into the ring and frequently has exactly what you’re looking for, be it a fedora with a ribbon around it or a vintage Brownie camera so Taika can take a selfie. Cool guys. here’s a link: